Plan Management
Plan management is a service funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The function of Plan Manager is to assist and support NDIS participants to manage their NDIS plan funding.
A plan manager can support you by:
- Managing and monitoring a participant’s budget;
- Managing your NDIS claims and disbursing funds to providers for services delivered;
- Providing regular statements to you to show the financial status of your plan including prompt notification of over or under-utilisation;
- Offering increased choice and control to you over plan implementation and utilisation through additional plan financial assistance;
- You can also receive advice from us about how to best utilise your NDIS plan funding which can assist in building your financial capacity and knowledge;
Our team are experts and very passionate about working with you to build a lasting and caring relationship.
Three ways to Manage your plan:
Plan Management
This is when you use a plan management provider, such as us, to assist you with managing your NDIS plan funds. Plan management providers can purchase supports on your behalf from either registered or unregistered providers. A plan manager will receive funds from the NDIA and disburse funds on your behalf to providers of other services received.
This is when a participant (or their plan nominee) manages their NDIS plan funds. The NDIS will reimburse a participant or their plan nominee directly for the NDIS supports received.
Agency Managed
This is when you choose to use the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to manage your NDIS funds. The NDIA will directly pay registered providers of relevant services on behalf of a participant.
How does it work?
As your Plan Manager or choice, Allied Healthcare Services will be responsible for paying your support services and submitting claims via the NDIS portal.
To pay for your support, simply;
- E-mail your authorised invoice/s to
- Our team will process authorised invoices within 2 business days and provide periodic activity statements to help you keep track of your spending.